
Six of Cups is a card which has all sorts of meanings and it always intrigues me as to what it is going to say to me when it comes up. Today it is a very interesting message as it shows me that someone who you have been apart from is going to step back into your life for some reason so do not be surprised if you hear out of the blue from them. I feel they have something very important to share with you so see what they have to say.
Mysti is a great reader and she tells you as it is no sugar coating. Would definitely recommend Mysti for a reading'

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Amie x
'My audio reading from Amie Louise was Amazing! She has such a wonderful gift. It’s like she’s right there watching everything my love interest is doing. I am completely in awe of her. Thank you, Amie Louise'
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The journey towards a happier future with your desired love interest, is soon to really begin. I feel this silent distance, will change soon. You have been incredibly patient and as the saying goes patience is a virtue, meaning you have done your best to wait, and it will truly pay off for you. Your wishes will be fulfilled
'I can’t fault Neal he has my 100% trust his readings are always on point and spot on and takes the time to answer any questions thank you Neal for your fab readings xx.'
Masked Reader

The Star is a card that comes in strongly for you today and it shows wish fulfilment. Those corny sayings like reach for the stars all come into play here today as the timing seems perfect right now to chase those dreams you have and manifest what you want. Write down your biggest wish for the future in one sentence or a few words and keep it under your pillow or next to your bed and before you sleep each night imagine it coming true and feel that sense of happiness. Bring your dreams to life.
'Quick response time. Hoping for the best and and Waiting to see outcome. Seems to be honest first time he has read for me.'

Your relationship is falling apart and you don’t know what to do.
The energy today tells me you have a great relationship, the person who is around you, is someone that you fell deeply in love with.
Presently things feel like they falling apart, there is a situation that seems to be making him constantly uptight. You also reacting to his actions and it feels like you not quite sure what to do, you’ve made efforts but it just doesn’t fall into place. You do not want to lose this relationship, I do feel there may be some outside interference, meaning a third party or someone influencing him in a negative way.
For a more in-depth reading click on the link below, to purchase a full reading.
'What a beautiful reading kind lady gave me all the guidance I needed much appreciated xxx'
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